Shortcut Keys

  1. Shortcut Keys In Microsoft Word
  2. Shortcut Keys For Mac
  3. Excel Shortcut Keys
  4. Shortcut Keys In Keyboard
  5. Shortcut Keys For Ms Word

Feb 18, 2021 Shortcut keys and key combinations Most keyboards have a row of keys at the top that are labeled F1 through F12. These are like built-in hotkeys, each with an assigned function, like pressing F9. Apr 18, 2014 The shortcut keys described here refer to the United States keyboard layout. Keys on other keyboard layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a U.S. Help viewer shortcut keys. Display the Help window. Close the Help window.


This article provides an overview of some of the shortcut key combinations that you can use when you're working with Business Central.

For an overview of the most popular keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts (PC only).


For a graphical view of the most used shortcuts, choose the following image and download the PDF file.


Keyboard shortcuts aid accessibility and can make it easier and more efficient to navigate to different areas and elements on a page. They're supported by most web browsers, however, the behavior may vary slightly.


The keyboard shortcuts described here refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. The layout of the keys on other keyboards may not correspond exactly to the keys on a U.S. keyboard.

Most of the shortcuts are the same whether the operating system is Windows or macOS. However, some shortcuts differ for macOS. These shortcuts are indicated with brackets in the following sections.


In addition to the global keyboard shortcuts described in this topic, a number of business-specific shortcuts are available. For example, in the generic version of Business Central, F9 posts a document and Ctrl+F7 shows the ledger entries for a record when you open the record in a card. (These may be different in your solution.) The keyboard shortcut is shown in the tooltip for the action in question.

General Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table describes keyboard shortcuts for navigating and accessing different elements of a page. Elements include things like actions, drop-down lists, lookups, and more. For details about keyboard shortcuts for navigating records once you get inside a list, see the next section.

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
Alt+Down ArrowOpen a drop-down list or look up a value for a field.
Alt+Up ArrowShow tooltip for a field or a column header of a table. If the field has validation errors, press Alt+Up Arrow to show the validation error. Press Esc or Alt+Up Arrow to close the tooltip.
F2Toggle between selecting the entire field value or placing the cursor at the end of the field value.
Alt+F2Show and hide the FactBox pane.
Alt+Shift+F2Shift between Details and Attachments in the FactBox pane.
Alt+OAdd a new note for the selected record, even if the FactBox pane isn't open.
Open the Tell Me window. For more information, see Finding Pages and Information with Tell Me.
Alt+NOpen a page to create a new record. (Similar to choosing the New and + actions.)
Alt+Shift+NClose a newly created page and open a new one to create a new record. Similarly, Alt+F9 posts a document and creates a new one.
Alt+TOpen the My Settings page.
Alt+Right ArrowLook up additional information or underlying values for a field that contains the button. This is used when the usual drop-down button (Alt+Down Arrow) in the same field is used for another purpose.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CDisplay information in the company badge.
Ctrl+Alt+F1Open and close the page inspection pane. The page inspection pane shows information about the page, like its source table, fields, filters, extensions, and more.
For more information, see Inspecting Pages.
Ctrl+CCopy the value of field. If the field is in focus, and you haven't selected any text in the field, this will copy the entire value. If you've selected any text in the field, then it will copy the selected text only.
Ctrl+F1Open the Business Central help for the page.
Ctrl+F12Switch between wide and narrow layout view.
Ctrl+ClickNavigate during personalizing or customizing when the action is highlighted with an arrowhead. For more information, see Personalize Your Workspace.
Ctrl+F5Reload the Business Central application. (Similar to selecting refresh/reload in the browser.)
F5Refresh the data on the current page.
Use this key to ensure that the data on the page is up to date with any changes that others have made while you're working.
EnterEnable or access the element or control that is in focus.
EscClose the current page or drop-down list.
TabMove focus to the next control or element on a page, such as actions, buttons, fields, or list headings.
Shift+TabMove focus to the previous control or element on a page, such as actions, buttons, fields, or list headings.
Y and NActivate Yes and No buttons in dialog boxes. Actual keys will vary based on your current language specified in My Settings. For example, press J to activate the Ja button when using German language.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Lists

The following table describes the keyboard shortcuts that you can use on a list page. The shortcut action is slightly different depending on whether the page is shown in the list view or tile view.

[!Note]> In the table that follows, the term *actionable field* refers to a field on which you can do something, like change a value or link to another page. In general, the shortcuts will skip over fields that display information that you cannot change from the list (in other words, fields that are read-only).-->


Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this in a list viewTo do this in a tile view
Alt+F7Sort the selected column in ascending or descending order.Not applicable.
Alt+NInsert a new line in an editable list, such as the G/L Budgets page.Same.
Shift+F10Open a menu of options that are available for the selected row.Same.

Navigating Between Rows and Columns


Grids containing rows and columns exist on many page types in Business Central, such as list pages and Lines parts on documents. Moving from one cell to another across a grid is fully keyboard-enabled.

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this in a list viewTo do this in a tile view
(Fn+Ctrl+Left Arrow)
Select the first row in the list; focus remains in the same column.Move to the first tile in the first row.
(Fn+Ctrl+Right Arrow)
Select the last row in the list; focus remains in the same column.Move to the last tile in the last row.
(Fn+Left Arrow)
Move to the first field in the row.Move to the first tile in the row.
(Fn+right Arrow)
Move to the last field in the row.Move to the last tile in the row.
EnterOpen the record that is associated with the field.
Only relevant if a card page is associated with the record.
Opens the record.
Only relevant if a card page is associated with the record.
Ctrl+EnterMove focus to the next element outside the list.Move focus to the next element outside the list.
Page Up
(Fn+Up Arrow)
Scroll to display the set rows above the current rows in view.Scrolls to display the set of tiles above the current tiles in view.
Page Down
(Fn+Down Arrow)
Scroll to display the set rows below the current rows in view.Scroll to display the set of tiles below the current tiles in view.
Down ArrowMove in the same column to the field in the row below.Move in the same column to the tile in the row below.
Up ArrowMove in the same column to the field in the row above.Move in the same column to the tile in the row above.
Right ArrowIn a view-only list, move in the same row to the next field to the right.
In an editable list, move to the right within the current field.
Move in the same row to the next tile to the right.
Left ArrowIn a view-only list, move in the same row to the previous field to the left.
In an editable list, move to the left within the current field.
Move in the same row to the previous tile to the left.
TabIn editable list, move in the same row to the next field to the right.Not applicable.
Shift+TabIn editable list, move in the same row to the previous field to the left.Not applicable.

Selecting, Copying, and Pasting

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this in a list viewTo do this in a tile view
Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you click.Not applicable.
Shift+ClickExtend the selection of rows to include the row that you click and all the rows in between.
You can use this after using Ctrl+Up Arrow or Ctrl+Up Down to expand your selection.
Not applicable.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
(Ctrl+Cmd+Up Arrow)
Move focus to the row above and keep the current row selected.Not applicable.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
(Ctrl+Cmd+Down Arrow)
Move focus to the row below and keep the current row selected.Not applicable.
Ctrl+Space Bar
Extend the selection of rows to include the focused row.
You can use this after using Ctrl+Up Arrow or Ctrl+Down Arrow to expand your selection.
Not applicable.
Ctrl+ASelect all rows.Not applicable.
Copy the selected rows to the Clipboard.Yes, but only for a single selected tile.
Paste the selected rows from the Clipboard into the current page or external document, like Microsoft Excel or Outlook email. You can only do this in editable lists.Not applicable.
Shift+Up ArrowExtend the selection of rows to include the row above.Not applicable.
Shift+Down ArrowExtend the selection of rows to include the row below.Not applicable.
Shift+Page Up
(Shift+Fn+Up Arrow)
Extend the selection of rows to include all visible rows above the current selection of rows.Not applicable.
Shift+Page Down
(Shift+Fn+Down Arrow)
Extend the selection of rows to include all visible rows below the current selection of rows.Not applicable.
F8Copy the field in the same column of the row above, and paste it into the current row. You can only do this in editable lists. Using this shortcut followed by a Tab lets you quickly fill out fields in line items that you want to have the same value as the row above.Not applicable.

Searching and Filtering Lists

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
F3Toggles the search box.
  • Activate the search box, so you can start typing your search text.
  • If the search box is already activated, F3 returns to the list without clearing the search text.
Shift+F3Open and close the filter pane.
  • If the filter pane isn't open, Shift+F3 opens it and focuses on the + Filter action under Filter list by. You can then just hit Enter to start adding a field filter.
  • If the filter pane is already open, Shift+F3 closes it but doesn't clear any filters that you've added.
Ctrl+Shift+F3Open and close the filter pane.
  • If the filter pane isn't open, Ctrl+Shift+F3 opens it and focuses on the + Filter action under Filter total by. You can then just hit Enter to start adding a totals filter.
  • If the filter pane is already open, Ctrl+Shift+F3 closes it but doesn't clear any filters that you've added.
Alt+F3Toggle filtering to the selected value.
  • Applies a column filter on the selected field value in the list. This does the same as choosing Filter to this value from a column heading. It opens the filter pane, sets filter to the selected value, while focus remains on cell in the list.
  • If the column is already filtered, Alt+F3 clears the filter on that column.
Shift+Alt+F3Open the filter pane and add a filter on the selected column in the list. Focus is on the new filter field, which lets you start typing the filter criteria right away.
This does the same as selecting Filter from the column heading.
If there is already a filter on the field, a new filter is added.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F3Reset filters. This does the same as choosing Reset filters in the filter pane, and it applies to field and totals filters.
Filters return to the default filters for the current view. If the current view is All, then this is the same as returning to an unfiltered view with all records.
Ctrl+EnterChange focus from the filter pane back to the list.
Shortcut Keys

Keyboard Shortcuts in Cards and Documents

The following shortcuts are available on card pages, such as Customer Card, and document pages, such as Sales Order, to display and modify records.

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
Alt+F6Toggle collapse/expand for the current FastTab or part (subpage).
Alt+GOpen the Find Entries page for finding entries related to the posted document. Works on lists also.
Alt+NOpen a page to create a new record; the same way as choosing the New action.
Alt+Shift+NClose a page and open a new one to create a new record; the same way as selecting the OK & New action.
Alt+Shift+WOpen the current card or document in a new window. For more information, see Multitasking Across Multiple Pages.
Ctrl+EnterSave and close the page.
Ctrl+Down ArrowOpen the next record for an entity.
Ctrl+Up ArrowOpen the previous record for an entity.
Ctrl+InsertInsert a new line in documents.
Ctrl+DeleteDelete the line, in documents, journals, and worksheets.
Ctrl+Shift+F12Maximize the line items part on a document page. Press the keys again to return to the normal display. For more information, see Focusing on Line Items.
F6Move to the next FastTab or part (subpage).
Shift+F6Move to previous FastTab or part (subpage).

Quick Entry Shortcuts for Fields

The following shortcuts pertain to the Quick Entry feature on cards, documents, and list pages. On lists, the shortcuts cannot be used when the list is in the tile view. For more information about Quick Entry, see Accelerating Data Entry Using Quick Entry.

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do thisRemarks
EnterConfirm the value in the current field and go to the next Quick Entry field.
Shift+EnterConfirm the value in the current field and go to the previous Quick Entry field.
Ctrl+Shift+EnterConfirm the value in the current column and go to next Quick Entry field outside the list.
This shortcut applies to embedded lists on a page, such as line items on a sales order. It enables you to quickly get out of the list and continue entering data in other fields on the page.

Keyboard Shortcuts in the Calendar (Date Picker)

When setting a date field, you can either enter the date manually or open a calendar (date picker) that lets you select the date you want. The following table describes the keyboard shortcuts for the calendar.

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
Ctrl+HomeOpen the calendar if closed. Note: This doesn't work if the date field is in a grid, where Ctrl+Home jumps to the first row.
Move to the current month, current day.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
(Cmd+Left Arrow)
Move to the previous day.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
(Cmd+Right Arrow)
Move to the next day.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
(Cmd+Up Arrow)
Move to the previous week, same day of the week.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
(Cmd+Down Arrow)
Move to the next week, same day of the week.
EnterSelect the focused date.
Close the calendar and delete the current date.
EscClose the calendar without a selection, keep the current date.
Page DownMove to the next month.
Page UpMove to the previous month.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Date Fields

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
tEnter the current date. 'T' stands for 'today'.
wEnter the work date. For more information, see Work Date

Keyboard Shortcuts in the Report Preview

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
Down ArrowScroll down the page.
Up ArrowScroll up the page.
Ctrl+0 (zero)
Fits the entire page on the page.
Go to the first page of the report.
Go to the last page of the report.
Left ArrowScroll to the left when the page is zoomed in so that it isn't entirely in view.
Right ArrowScroll to the right when the page is zoomed in so that it isn't entirely in view.
Page Down
(Fn+Down Arrow)
Go to the next page of the report.
Page Up
(Fn+Up Arrow)
Go to the previous page of the report.
Shortcut Keys

Keyboard Shortcuts for Zooming In and Out

Press these keysTo do this
Ctrl++Zoom in on the current page.
Ctrl+-Zoom out on the current page.
Ctrl+0Zoom in or out to 100% on the current page.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Role Explorer

Role explorer gives you an overview and quick access to all the business features that are available for your role. For more information, see Finding Pages with the Role Explorer.

Press these keys
(in macOS)
To do this
Shift+F12Open the role explorer.
F3Open the Find box in role explorer for finding features based on a given search word or term.
F3 or Ctrl+Down ArrowMoves focus to the next found feature in role explorer. F3 will move focus to the Find box after the last found feature.
Shift F3 or Ctrl+Up ArrowMove focus to the previous found feature in role explorer.
Ctrl+ShiftExpand or collapse all sub-nodes, in addition to top-level nodes, when you choose the Expand or Collapse action.

See also

Keyboard Quick Reference - PC Only
Assistive Features
Getting Ready for Doing Business
Working with Business Central
Frequently Asked Questions
Find Entries

© KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/Getty Images Windows offers users several shortcuts to opening, using and managing programs and apps with a few quick keystrokes. KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/Getty Images
  • Windows has many keyboard shortcuts available to navigate and work across the operating system faster and more efficiently.
  • Most Windows keyboard shortcuts rely on the Windows logo key, Alt, and Ctrl keys.
  • These are the 43 most useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows for working with apps, directly in Windows, virtual desktops, and more.

Microsoft Windows – the operating system running on most of the world's computers – is a vast and complex program made up of about 50 million lines of code.

It's packed with features you use every day along with less common tools you rarely need, and you probably keep one hand on the mouse to make use of its countless tools. But if you would prefer to keep your hands on the keyboard to type more efficiently, it pays to learn some keyboard shortcuts.

You certainly don't need to master them all, but learning the shortcuts for features you use most often will dramatically improve your speed and efficiency every time you sit in front of the PC.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Chromebook 4+ (from $299.99 at Samsung)

Windows keyboard shortcut summary

Here are the top 43 keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Windows. You can use this list for reference, and if you need a more detailed explanation of a shortcut, scroll down.

Navigating in Windows

  • Open the Start menu: Win
  • Open the right-click Start button menu: Win + X
  • Search: Win + S
  • Open Settings: Win + I
  • Open the Action Center: Win + A
  • Open File Explorer: Win + E
  • Open the Game Bar: Win + G
  • Open the Run window: Win + R
  • Open the Ease of Access Center: Win + U
  • Show or hide the desktop: Win + D
  • Open Task Manager: Ctrl + Shift + Esc
  • Lock Windows: Win + L
  • Open Lock Screen: Ctrl + Alt + Del
  • Talk to Cortana: Win + C

Working with Windows

  • Snap a window: Win + Left Arrow or Win + Right Arrow
  • Minimize all open windows: Win + M
  • Restore minimized windows: Win + Shift + M
  • Minimize everything except the active window: Win + Home
  • Maximize the height of a window: Win + Shift + Up Arrow
  • Minimize the selected window: Win + Down Arrow
  • Close the current window: Alt + F4

Working with apps

  • Cycle through apps in the taskbar: Win + T
  • Cycle through open apps: Alt + Tab
  • Switch to an app on taskbar: Win + [number]
  • Right-click an app on the taskbar: Win + Alt + [number]

Working with virtual desktops

  • Open the Task View: Win + Tab
  • Add a new virtual desktop: Win + Ctrl + D
  • Switch to the next virtual desktop: Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow or Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow

Taking screenshots

  • Screenshot the entire desktop: PrtScn
  • Screenshot the selected window: Alt + PrtScn
  • Save a screenshot of the desktop: Win + PrtScn

Essential shortcuts

  • Select All: Ctrl + A
  • Copy: Ctrl + C
  • Cut: Ctrl + X
  • Paste: Ctrl + V
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y
  • Close: Ctrl + W
  • Delete immediately: Shift + Delete
  • Cycle through options: Tab or Shift Tab
  • Rename a file or folder: F2
  • Windows 10 help online: Win + F1
  • Refresh: F5

Windows keyboard shortcuts explained

If you find that the purpose or use of a keyboard shortcut listed above isn't obvious, refer to it below in this expanded list for more information.

Navigating in Windows

Open the Start menu: Press the Windows key. You can also press Ctrl + Esc.

Open the right-click Start button menu: Press Win + X to open the menu you see when you right-click Start. This is also known as the Quick Link menu.

Search: Press Win + S to put focus in the Start Search box at the bottom left of the taskbar.

Open Settings: Press Win + I to open Settings.

Open the Action Center: Press Win + A to open the Action Center pane on the right side of the screen.

Open File Explorer: Press Win + E to open a File Explorer window. You can open multiple windows this way.

Gallery: Simple solutions to fix basic computer problems (StarsInsider)

Shortcut Keys In Microsoft Word

Open the Game Bar: Press Win + G to open the Game Bar and gaming controls.

Open the Run window: Press Win + R to open the Run window for quickly starting programs, opening locations on your computer, and more.

Open the Ease of Access Center: Press Win + U to open the Ease of Access section of the Settings app.

Show or hide the desktop: Press Win + D to minimize all windows and show the full desktop. Press it again to restore the windows – but you can only restore windows automatically if you do it right away.

Open Task Manager: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.

Shortcut Keys For Mac


Lock Windows: Press Win + L to instantly lock Windows.

Open Lock Screen: Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open the lock screen, which provides multiple options for locking Windows or switching user accounts.

Talk to Cortana: Press Win + C to put Cortana in 'listening' mode (if Cortana is enabled).

Working with Windows

Snap a window: Press Win + Left Arrow to snap the active window to the left half of the screen. Press Win + Right Arrow to snap it to the right half of the screen. You can also press either shortcut repeatedly to cycle through all the window position options.

Minimize all open windows: Press Win + M to minimize all windows and reveal the desktop.

Restore minimized windows: Press Win + Shift + M to restore all windows, if you do it right after pressing Win + M.

Minimize everything except the active window: Press Win + Home to minimize all windows except the active one. Press it again to restore all windows.

Maximize the height of a window: Press Win + Shift + Up Arrow to make the active window as tall as the desktop without changing its width.

Minimize the selected window: Press Win + Down Arrow to minimize the selected window. It's like the opposite of Win + Home.

Find shortcuts on computer

Excel Shortcut Keys

Close the current window: Press Alt + F4 to close the current window or program. You might be asked if you want to save your work before the window closes.

Working with apps

Cycle through open apps: Press Alt + Tab to see all the open apps. Press Alt + Tab repeatedly to cycle through the options.

Cycle through apps in the taskbar: Press Win + T repeatedly to cycle through the apps in the taskbar. When you reach the app, you want to run or expand, release the keys and press Enter. To cancel, press Esc.

Switch to an app on the taskbar: To open or expand a particular app in the taskbar without cycling through them, press Win and the number that represents where the app is in the taskbar. For example, if you want to open a web browser, which is the first entry on the left side of the taskbar, press Win + 1.

Right-click an app on the taskbar: To open the right-click context menu for a particular app in the taskbar, press Win + Alt and the number representing where the app is in the taskbar.

Shortcut Keys In Keyboard

Working with virtual desktops

Open the Task View: Press Win + Tab to open the Task View that shows your available virtual desktops and your app timeline.

Add a new virtual desktop: Press Win + Ctrl + D to create a new virtual desktop.

Switch to the next virtual desktop: Press Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow to cycle through all virtual desktops in the order they appear at the top of the Task View. You can also press Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow to cycle through them in the opposite order.

Taking screenshots

Screenshot the entire desktop: Press PrtScn, which you can usually find in the top row of your keyboard, to capture a screenshot of the whole desktop. It is copied to the clipboard.

Screenshot the selected window: Press Alt + PrtScn (look for this key in the top row of your keyboard) to capture a screenshot of the active window. It is copied to the clipboard.

Save a screenshot of the desktop: Press Win + PrtScn (look for this key in the top row of your keyboard) to capture a screenshot of the entire desktop. It is automatically saved to the Screenshots folder in Pictures.

Essential shortcuts

Shortcut Keys For Ms Word

Select All: Press Ctrl + A to select all the items in the current folder or location.

Copy: Press Ctrl + C to copy the selected items or content to the clipboard.

Cut: Press Ctrl + X to cut the selected items or content and place them in the clipboard.

Paste: Press Ctrl + V to paste the clipboard contents to the current location.

Undo: Undo the last action you took by pressing Ctrl + Z.

Redo: Press Ctrl + Y to perform the last thing you did again if it's possible. If Windows can't redo the previous action, nothing will happen.

Close: Press Ctrl + W to close the current window (it's the same as Alt + F4). You might be asked if you want to save your work before the window closes.

Delete immediately: Press Shift + Delete to delete the current item right away, without going to the Recycle Bin first. If you delete a file or folder this way, it cannot be undone or recovered.

Cycle through options: Press Tab repeatedly to cycle through a list of options. You can press Shift Tab to cycle through in the opposite direction.

Rename a file or folder: Press F2 to edit the name of a selected file or folder.

Windows 10 help online: Press Win + F1 to open a web browser to the Windows 10 help and support page.

Refresh: Press F5 to reload or refresh a web page.

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